
Michael Jackson - Cry - A nice song nice MV by Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson - Cry - A nice song nice MV by Michael Jackson
"Cry" is a song from Michael Jackson's 2001 album, Invincible, written by R&B songwriter R. Kelly, who performs the backup vocals. This is one of three songs written by Kelly for Jackson, the other two being "One More Chance" and "You Are Not Alone".

Michael Jackson - Cry - A nice song nice MV by Michael Jackson

Lyrics and meaning
The song is written in the key of A Major until the climatic key change half way through the song. The song is a melodic, soft, R&B track which is uplifiting. After the middle breakdown of the song, a key change takes place and the sounds of a gospel choir kick in for the rest of the song.

The song 'Cry' talks about all the problems in the world like previous singles Man In The Mirror and Heal The World. It discusses the issues and subjects of war, loneliness, lying, changing the world, depression, suicide, miracles, and faith. It also suggests if everyone pulls together as one, then we can all make a change to the world.

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Michael Jackson - Cry - A nice song nice MV by Michael Jackson

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